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COFCO International’s Sustainability Effort Recognized by UK’s Ambassador to Brazil Release Time : 2021-12-02
Recently before the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) was held in Britain, UK’s Ambassador to Brazil praised COFCO International’s sustainability effort in Brazil during an interview with Brazilian media.

Globo.com, the online subsidiary of Brazil’s largest TV network, posted a report titled “UK’s Ambassador: Deforestation is Brazil’s biggest challenge at COP26” on October 25. During the interview, Peter Wilson, UK’s ambassador to Brazil, called upon Brazil to work with other countries to tackle the issue of deforestation in regions such as the Amazon to make substantial contribution to the global carbon reduction initiative.  

Speaking of global economy, Mr. Wilson said, “The whole world is moving toward green economy, be it Europe, the US or China. A case in point is the agricultural product traceability proposed by China’s grain trader COFCO. This indicates that besides governments of various countries which are willing to fight global warming, companies and investors have also joined the effort.”

According to Mr. Wilson, COFCO International, which requires that agricultural products provided by its Brazilian soybean suppliers meet zero deforestation criterion, is building a traceable and sustainable soybean supply chain. The Company has announced that all soybeans directly purchased in Brazil will be made comprehensively traceable by 2023.    

In recent years, COFCO International’s sustainability effort has been recognized by government agencies, major international media and financial institutions on many occasions. In September, 2021, Mr. Yang Wanming, China’s ambassador to Brazil, noted in his interview with local media that Chinese enterprises with an active presence in Brazil such as COFCO attach great importance to green development and sustainability, delivering stellar performance in product traceability and conservation of natural resources. 
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