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COFCO Corporation Attends a Series of Meetings among BRICS Leaders in Brazil Release Time : 2019-11-18
On November 13-14 (local time), the 11th BRICS Summit was held in Brasilia, Brazil. President Xi Jinping attended a series of events including the closing ceremony of the BRICS business forum and BRICS leaders' dialogue with the BRICS Business Council and the New Development Bank, where he delivered important speeches. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa also attended these events. As a member of China BRICS Business Council, COFCO Corporation party secretary and chairman Lv Jun was present at the above-mentioned events, where he listened to the important speeches made by President Xi Jinping. 

Xi Jinping highlighted the gathering momentum of a new round of sci-tech revolution and industrial transformation and hoped that friends from business circles would make substantial contributions to the promotion of growth and job creation by actively investing in BRICS countries to revitalize industries. The BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution (PartNIR) is a significant starting point for the next stage of BRICS economic cooperation. Xi Jinping fully acknowledged the work done by the BRICS Business Council and the New Development Bank and hoped that they would carry on the pioneering entrepreneurship to make greater contributions to the economic and social development of BRICS countries, emerging market countries, and developing countries. Xi Jinping reiterated that in-depth cooperation should be conducted in areas such as innovation and digital economy so as to build more premium projects. Cooperation among enterprises should be integrated with the BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution to enhance the synergy, efficiency, communication and coordination concerning BRICS countries’ internal and external cooperation mechanisms, help all countries constantly improve business environment, strengthen cooperation in building quality, sustainable, inclusive and accessible infrastructure, and develop and promote green and environmental technology.       


At the 2019 BRICS Business Council Annual Meeting held on November 13 (local time), business leaders of five countries delivered speeches and conducted discussions regarding trade interactions among BRICS countries, innovation and digital economy, and investment opportunities. Lv Jun noted the importance of sharing best agricultural practices among BRICS countries since technologies are changing means of production and international trade. As China’s largest and a world-leading agri-grain & food business, COFCO Corporation has for a long time been dedicated to increasing agricultural efficiency and sustainability. As the leading unit of agricultural and economic group of China BRICS Business Council, COFCO Corporation proposed and actively promoted international cooperation in modern bio-technology – a proposal that earned unanimous approval from BRICS countries. As a member of the BRICS Business Council, COFCO Corporation will give full play to its role to further enhance and promote economic and trade interactions among BRICS countries. 

During the meeting, Lv Jun met vice-governor of Maranhão Carlos Branda?o Junior.

The BRICS Business Council is one of major mechanisms to carry out BRICS cooperation under the care and instruction of President Xi Jinping. The BRICS Business Council was established during the Fifth BRICS Summit held on 27th March 2013 in Durban, South Africa. The Council is composed of 25 members (five nominations from each country), representing various industries and sectors in the BRICS nations. At present, there are nine Industry/Sector Working Groups. The objective of the Council is to promote and strengthen economic, business, trade and investment ties amongst the business communities of the five BRICS countries; ensure that there is regular dialogue between the business communities of the BRICS nations and the Governments of the BRICS countries; and identify problems and bottlenecks to ensure greater economic, trade and investment ties amongst the BRICS countries and recommend solutions accordingly.

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