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China-Denmark Milk Technology Cooperation Center Started Operation Release Time : 2012-11-29

The China-Denmark Milk Technology Cooperation Center started operation on November 26, 2012. It is the first milk cooperation project of the two countries. The project will be executed by COFCO, Mengniu Dairy and Arla Foods. Senior government officials from the two countries also attended the ceremony.
Investment of RMB 220 million will be made to fixed assets, R&D, expert employment, etc. in five years. The first phase is the investment of RMB 19 million made to build standardized demonstration ranchland. It will introduce advanced experience in pasture construction and management from Denmark to improve the health of cows and the quality of raw milk. The project also cooperates with Denmark FOSS and New Zealand Fonterra to develop new milk testing equipment to improve efficiency and precision.
Denmark has Europe’s largest and most time-honored dairy company whose products are of high quality and for the high end market. The demand of dairy products of China has been greatly increasing since its opening. Introduction of cows of fine breed and advanced technology, experience and equipment is instrumental to upgrade and growth of China’s diary industry and consumption market.

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