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COFCO Foods Signed Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Tianjin Yishang Group Release Time : 2012-04-06

COFCO Foods Limited signed the strategic cooperation agreement with Tianjin Yishang Group Co., Ltd. on January 12, 2012.

Following the successful cooperation with Beijing Ershang Group Co., Ltd. in 2011, COFCO Foods Limited joined hands with Tianjin Yishang Group Co., Ltd. which is the largest agent and supplier in Tianjin City and has good capacities in innovation and marketing in the fast moving consumer goods industry. COFCO Foods Limited is a strong player of branded foods and beverages. The alliance is expected to maximize the synergy of brand and marketing to offer consumers safety, nutrition and taste.

Tianjin Yishang Group Co., Ltd. is a 58 years old company. It has big influence in such business as grocery retail, wholesale trading, specialty markets, logistics and distribution in Tianjin City and China’s northern regions.


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