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COFCO’s Fortune Brand was Granted Great Wall Award Release Time : 2012-03-20

The 17th China International Advertisement Festival drew the backdrop in Nanchang on October 24. COFCO’s Fortune brand was granted the Great Wall Award for the second consecutive year and given the title of China’s Famous Brand Reliable to Consumers for the good quality of its products and service and reliability of its advertisement and publicity.

The Fortune brand was recognized for the perfect integration of commercial civilization and social public interest, e.g., far-reaching significance of its public interest food safety adverstisements and Expo advertisements which are closely related to people’s livelihood.

The Great Wall Award for China’s advertisement industry was guided by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce and sponsored by China Advertisement Association. It is given to those who make outstanding contribution to China’s advertisement industry and brings them better brand recognition and medium coverage. It is also meant to objectively guide consumers in choosing the right brand. It is instrumental in improving the consumption environment, brand strategy, advertising, marketing and development of China’s advertisement industry and companies’ brand building.

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