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COFCO Collaborating with Giant Multinational in Food Supply to Shanghai Expo Release Time : 2012-03-20

It is estimated that there will be a total of 70 million person-time visits during Shanghai Expo 2010, with the daily average of 400,000 person-times. And the peak period can reach 600,000 person-times per day. There comes the big question: who ensures food safety during such a splendid event? With the opening ceremony pending, multinational food suppliers to the Expo have begun to pick up their pace in collaborating in answering.

March 4 witnessed COFCO and Metro, the German giant, signed two collaboration memorandums of quality control in food supply to the Expo in Shanghai. The signing ceremony was attended by officials from government departments, Expo offices and local restaurant associations.

COFCO allied with Metro to ensure complete Expo-use food safety, on the basis of its traceable system and with the latter expected to provide efficient channels.

COFCO representatives also exchanged views with other Expo suppliers about sustainable food safety solutions, sharing with them COFCO’s value chain quality control strategy and taking the Fortune product line as an example.

With a global insight, COFCO pioneers in China’s food safety management system and will continue to explore in optimization by mobilizing international resources not only for Shanghai Expo but also for Chinese people’s life.

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